Sunday, April 17, 2016

Wiko Lenny 2 Giveaway

Another Wiko Mobile Malaysia mobile phone review is up. Like last week, we are going to have a giveaway as well. The requirement is slightly different:
1. Must be a Malaysian Resident and currently staying in Malaysia. (Sorry for to my foreign viewers, the phone's warranty is only for Malaysia)
3. Share this Facebook post to your Facebook profile/page publicly.
4. In the comment section below, tell us why you want to win the Wiko Lenny 2 by stating a feature/ spec of the phone.
For example:
"I want to win a Wiko Lenny 2 because I really need the 1800mAH removable battery."

6. (Optional) If you are not sure whether we are able to view your shared post/comment or not, you can message us your post's url by right click on the time of the post and copy link address.
7. Contest period between 17th April 2016, 4 pm MST to 24th 2016, 4pm MST. So it's now or NEVER!
After the contest period is over, we will tabulate all contestant's info and put it into a randomizer to choose the ONLY winner. If we are not able to contact the winner within 48 hours, we will choose the next person on the line. So, make sure your Facebook is public and reply our message when we contact you.
1. You will need to reveal your Name, IC, and address to us for warranty registration and delivery.
2. The phone in the giveaway contest is NOT A NEW PHONE. The giveaway's phone is the review unit as shown in the review video.
3.DYgadget reserve to right to revoke any rules stated here for any unforeseen circumstances that jeopardize us, our sponsors or our stake holders.